Art and Literacy > Identity

8th grade self-portrait, digital photograph and Sharpie markers on transparency
8th grade self-portrait
Digital photograph with Sharpie markers and china pencils on transparency, with black construction paper frame
8 1/2 in H x 11 in W

8th grade students were interpreting the painting "Self portrait with Dr. Juan Farill", by Frida Kahlo, and exploring how she expressed her identity in her art.
Our inquiry questions into identity were;
1) What is identity?
2) How do artists capture a person’s identity in portraits or self-portraits?
Students took digital photograph portraits of each other.
When photographs portraits were printed and handed back to models, models then drew with sharpie markers and china pencils on transparency to express their identity in their new self-portraits.
Photograph and transparency drawing were then held together with black construction paper frame not shown.